WildHorse Resort & Casino Grand Opening
For the grand opening of Wildhorse Resort & Casino’s new ten-story tower, AV Concepts showcased their Liquid Scenic® technology to project 140,000 lumens of intricate, high-definition imagery across a 150ft x 100ft surface, captivating viewers from up to two miles away with a powerful visual tribute to the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation.
For the grand opening of a new ten story tower at the Wildhorse Resort & Casino, AV Concepts utilized their proprietary Liquid Scenic® technology to project highly complex and visually stunning high-definition imagery on the walls of the new tower.
Over 140,000 lumens of custom created content was seamlessly mapped onto the 150ft x 100ft casino tower, enabling viewers from as far as two miles away to share in on the experience. The quality of the imagery, and the creative content that portrayed the story of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation garnered notoriety from guests, tribal leaders and media.

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